Meta evaluation of teacher performance. An approach to reality


  • Raciel Sánchez Rincón


metaevaluation, evaluation, teaching, teaching performance, dimensions of teacher evaluation.


The present work informs about the metaevaluation made to the professional dimension of the teacher performance evaluation questionnaire via student's opinion. A study was carried out under the quantitative approach, analyzing the responses of 52 professors, belonging to the two degrees offered by the Faculty of Educational Sciences of the Autonomous University of Tlaxcala: Education and Communication Sciences and Educational Innovation. Socially acceptable evaluations were found regarding the actions of a good teacher in the classroom. However, when including contrast questions, incongruence in the answers is evident.


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How to Cite

Sánchez Rincón, R. . (2019). Meta evaluation of teacher performance. An approach to reality. Atenas, 4(48), 127–143. Retrieved from