Exploratory study of food and nutrition education in biology teacher training


  • Adriel Luis Lima Rodríguez
  • Amado Lorenzo Hernández Barrenechea
  • Luis Ernesto Martínez González
  • Adina Suárez Ceijas


nutrition, food, food and nutrition education


The article reflects the partial result of a doctoral research in pedagogical Sciences, aimed at food and nutrition education in the professional pedagogical training of the Bachelor of Education. Biology. The objective is to show the results obtained from the application of instruments that show the need to contribute to the food and nutritional education of Biology teachers in training. Among the methods of science used are the historical-logical, the analytical-synthetic, the inductive-deductive, the study of documents and observation.


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How to Cite

Lima Rodríguez, A. L. ., Hernández Barrenechea, A. L. ., Martínez González, L. E. ., & Suárez Ceijas, A. . (2021). Exploratory study of food and nutrition education in biology teacher training. Atenas, 1(53), 125–138. Retrieved from https://pf.umcc.cu/index.php/atenas/article/view/92