School violence in the Dominican Republic: habitual use of verbal violence


  • Santiago Gallur Santorum
  • Ruth Esther De La Cruz Navarro


school violence, verbal communication, coexistence, adolescent.


This study began with several objectives: first, to distinguish the most frequent ways in which verbal violence manifests itself and to analyze the differences in the perspective of its manifestations in relation to gender; second, to determine the level in which the students of the educational institutions of Santo Domingo perceive the verbal violence, to reflect in the educational community on the problem in question. For this, a survey was applied to 64 secondary students belonging to 2 educational centers, selected by simple random sampling. In the results, insults and gossip are considered frequent manifestations according to the students, and a relationship was observed between the perspective of some manifestations compared to the gender variable. In conclusion, it offers an overview of the consequences that the frequent use of verbal violence could entail and the measures to consider to reduce it.



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How to Cite

Gallur Santorum, S. ., & De La Cruz Navarro, R. E. . (2021). School violence in the Dominican Republic: habitual use of verbal violence. Atenas, 2(54), 142–156. Retrieved from