Overview of quality accreditation in higher education institutions of criminology in Mexico


  • Wael Sarwat Hikal Carreón


accreditation (education), educational association, quality of education.


The present is part of the doctoral research “Study of Relevance of the Training and Professional Exercise Projects of Criminologists”, developed at the Autonomous University of New Lion. The objective is to detect from the entire universe of schools in Mexico that teach in criminology and related areas, which are accredited in quality. The methodology and method used consists of documentary review, different concepts of educational quality are consulted to break down which areas are considered to achieve this, subsequently, Mexican educational legislation is reviewed to establish quality bases through guiding axes and evaluating bodies, is examined in the electronic portals of official institutions the curricula and accredited schools. The number of curricula and schools that have approved the evaluation processes is obtained as a small fraction compared to those that are not, which is proposed for other schools to review accreditation applications, the bodies in charge, and to join the diagnostic, evaluation and application process to improve quality in their schools, and its programs of study.


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How to Cite

Hikal Carreón, W. S. . (2022). Overview of quality accreditation in higher education institutions of criminology in Mexico . Atenas, 3(55), 134–146. Retrieved from https://pf.umcc.cu/index.php/atenas/article/view/60