The professional performance of the educational psychologist in educational guidance. Hits and misses


  • Rosamaría González Cuesta
  • Juan Reinaldo Hernández Hernández
  • Dulce Martín González
  • Susana Suárez Deán


educational guidance, professional performance, hearing impairment


The article presented is part of a doctoral thesis carried out at the University of Matanzas for the improvement of the professional performance of the educational psychopedagogist in educational guidance for the work with deaf children in early childhood. It is carried out with the objective of characterizing the current state of the studied subject. The use of methods such as the review of normative documents, the survey, the interview, the observation made it possible to determine the potentialities and difficulties related to each of the dimensions and indicators of the research variable. The identified insufficiencies show that the variable professional performance of the psychoeducational psychologist in the educational orientation for the work with deaf children in early childhood is at a low level and constitute lines in the elaboration of a strategy aimed at its improvement.    


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How to Cite

González Cuesta, R. ., Hernández Hernández, J. R. ., Martín González, D. ., & Suárez Deán, S. . (2022). The professional performance of the educational psychologist in educational guidance. Hits and misses. Atenas, 3(55), 100–116. Retrieved from