Persons Deprived of Liberty in their right to higher education mediated by technologies


  • Reyna del Carmen Alfaro Pérez
  • Andrea Mena Álvarez


Education to sentenced people, Higher education, Education for Adults, Learning online, Education rights.


This article contains the methodology implemented by the Autonomous University of Chiapas (UNACH) for the attention of higher education mediated by technologies for persons deprived of liberty (PPL) of the Social Reintegration Centers for Sentenced Persons (CERSS) administered by the Secretariat of Security and Citizen Protection of Chiapas (SSyPC), the objective is to propose the creation of Public Policy that ensures higher education mediated by technologies in the Penitentiary Centers of Chiapas and Mexico, as an exercise of the human right to education; as well as to present the results obtained in its implementation in the CERSS number 8 of Villaflores, Chiapas, Mexico, to encourage government decision makers to adopt this proposal as a prism of academic and comprehensive PPL training and of implicit benefit for society. It is based on a mixed quanti-qualitative intervention with a theoretical and explanatory nature: first, the theoretical bases that support the methodology are enunciated, as well as the state of the art, followed by the results of the project in a real and specific context from the year 2015 to date, ending with the conclusions and discussions for this intervention.


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How to Cite

Alfaro Pérez, R. del C. ., & Mena Álvarez, A. . (2022). Persons Deprived of Liberty in their right to higher education mediated by technologies. Atenas, 4(56), 131–146. Retrieved from