Pedagogical and scientific systematization of the contribution of the educators from the intellectual production


  • Mercedes Mena Torres
  • Mercedes Keeling Alvarez


scientific and pedagogical systematization, intellectual production, administration of the information and knowledge.


A systematization and methodology to be followed in the study of scientific production and the result-products, in the systematization of scientific pedagogic proposal is presented. The topic of the present article is The contribution of educators from the scientific production, the objective is focused in presenting a theoretical and methodological strategy for the systematization of pedagogical and scientific contribution of the educators from the University of Pedagogical Sciences “Enrique José Varona", with the use of the historical-logical, analytic-synthetic, inductive-deductive methods as well as the modulations. Results like Sequence of videos Educators from Varona and Scientific-educational Integration Web site were presented.


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How to Cite

Mena Torres, M. ., & Keeling Alvarez, M. . (2018). Pedagogical and scientific systematization of the contribution of the educators from the intellectual production. Atenas, 1(45), 129–144. Retrieved from