The evaluation and accreditation of the educative quality in the educative laws of Bolivia


  • Kinjo Villarroel Sikujara


Documentary analysis, evaluation and accreditation of quality of the education, educative law.


This article aims to analyze the theoretical treatment of the evaluation and accreditation of the quality in higher education in the educative laws 1565 (1994) and “Avelino Siñañi-Elizardo Pérez” 070 (2010) of Bolivia. It applied principally the documentary analysis which let established that the treatment of the important categories about evaluation and accreditation is very general. Furthermore, it verified that in Bolivia it needs to have an Higher Education Law or any special law about the organ responsible of doing the mentioned process.


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How to Cite

Villarroel Sikujara, K. . (2019). The evaluation and accreditation of the educative quality in the educative laws of Bolivia. Atenas, 4(48), 173–183. Retrieved from