Metacognition Social Formation: Meeting between Teachers and Students in the Knowledge Society


  • Olga López-Pérez
  • Joanna Koral Chávez-López


Knowledge society, Metacognition, Socioformation, Learning, Higher education.


The purpose of this article is to contribute to the consolidation of the socioformative approach through the conceptual analysis of socioformative metacognition. It is a documentary analysis such as the methodology for the review and selection, the bibliographic form, the reliable sources of information. The analysis was carried out through conceptual cartography, following its eight axes of analysis. As a relevant result, the conceptual transformation of metacognition is recognized from the socioformative approach and its application, using the MADFA methodology. Likewise, as a whole, socioformative metacognition and MADFA are key elements for education because of the integral formation of students.


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How to Cite

López-Pérez, O., & Chávez-López, J. K. . (2019). Metacognition Social Formation: Meeting between Teachers and Students in the Knowledge Society. Atenas, 4(48), 158–172. Retrieved from