The quality of learning in engineering programs in Cuba. A case study


  • Gladys Capote León
  • Noemí Rizo Rabelo
  • Gisela Bravo López


higher education, careers of engineering, quality of learning, assessment indicators.


The paper report results from the application of Course Experience Questionnaire (CEQ), validated for the Cuban environment, on the assessment of learning in Mechanical Engineering and Industrial Engineering programs, at the University of Cienfuegos. The object of the research is related to the implementation of an assessment tool to measure the quality of learning of university students from the indicators. Main results are related to the proposal of an alternative tool to enrich the analysis of the educational process and academic quality, with emphasis on monitoring the performance of the subjects, observe their development in a period, find correlations between different components of the educational quality and developing programs that promote self-regulated learning.


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How to Cite

Capote León, G. ., Rizo Rabelo, N. ., & Bravo López, G. . (2019). The quality of learning in engineering programs in Cuba. A case study. Atenas, 4(48), 79–95. Retrieved from