The Socio-emotional Well-Being of Teachers


  • Miguel Uvalle Becerra


Social-emotional well-being, teaching well-being, work well-being, psychological well-being, teacher happiness.


One of the professions with the greatest impact on the health and well-being of workers is teaching. In this documentary type article, different contributions were included that approach the welfare or discomfort of the teachers from different approaches, being the main purpose of the study. For its systematization, information was organized into four categories: concept, components of socio-emotional well-being; positive and negative socio-emotional state of teachers and their causes; socioformative actions to enhance teacher welfare. The concept of socio-emotional well-being as such does not exist in conceptual references and the closest concept is that of teacher welfare. The socio-emotional well-being of the teacher can be understood as the progressive formation of an emotional balance to respond holistically to the challenges of the knowledge society, acting with a deep ethical sense and driving the solution of problems with the joint collaboration of the different educational actors, to transform their social environment and quality of life.


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How to Cite

Uvalle Becerra, M. . (2020). The Socio-emotional Well-Being of Teachers. Atenas, 3(51), 136–151. Retrieved from