The quality accreditation of the Higher Middle Education in Mexico


  • María del Pilar Elizondo Zenteno
  • Elisa Cruz Rueda
  • Marco Antonio Ovando Díaz


Educational Policies, Accreditation, Quality and Higher Middle in Mexico.


The objective of this investigation was to carry out a diagnosis of the implementation of the Higher Secondary Education regulations for access and permanence to the National Baccalaureate System (SNB) in the schools of the School of Baccalaureate of Chiapas (COBACH). For this, the context was characterized in which the Integral Reform of Higher Secondary Education was implemented in the schools of COBACH, likewise, several strengths and areas of opportunity were identified for the policies and management implemented by the Central Administration of COBACH to impulse the SNB. The descriptive method, which starts from the systemic analysis of the past, was used to explain contemporary events, while the educational public policy and the structure of the SNB were studied with the formal-legal method. Empirical methods and techniques were used for the documentary analysis, likewise, techniques and instruments were applied to collect data of a quantitative nature. The research approach is structuralist, it is supported by a quantitative technique, the data collection process was carried out through the application of questionnaires, the results were systematized with the statistical software SPSS. The main student bodies relate to four dimensions of the management model used: organizational-operational, administrative-financial, pedagogical curricular and community. The investigation provided academic elements to the authorities and staff of COBACH, that allowed them to make decisions in their accreditation processes, also, the training of human resources in the process of their training. This work is a first approved to these processes, for reasons of approved financing and difficulties due to geographical dispersion of the schools it was impossible to apply it in all schools of the COBACH in its nine zones.


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How to Cite

Elizondo Zenteno, M. del P. ., Cruz Rueda, E. ., & Ovando Díaz, M. A. . (2022). The quality accreditation of the Higher Middle Education in Mexico. Atenas, 4(52), 17–29. Retrieved from