Challenges initial teacher training in the context of educational inclusion


  • Vania del Carmen Guirado Rivero
  • Nadia Chávez Zaldívar
  • Xiomara García Navarro


Initial training, Attention to diversity, Educational inclusion.


This essay exposes the reflection process developed at sessions of the National Special Education Career Commission for the development of a new generation of curricula in the contexts of attention to diversity and understanding that special educational needs May or may not be associated with disabilities. The essential methods used were the analytic-synthetic and the deductive inductive and techniques such as documentary and content analysis were used in the conception of cognitive, procedural and attitudinal tools that allow the teacher to offer a response to diversity.


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How to Cite

Guirado Rivero, V. del C. ., Chávez Zaldívar, N. ., & García Navarro, X. (2017). Challenges initial teacher training in the context of educational inclusion. Atenas, 4(40), 73–89. Retrieved from